Aluminum plate 33 x 33 cm, 4-flap pack in Fabriano 260 gsm paperboard from the Editorial 2022 line

For the 2021 and 2022 commemorations, Epogea has proposed to the Roccaraso municipality a special edition of the Grafica Muraria technique made with Pietransieri soil, collected from the place where 128 people were killed.

There was a desire to ideally recreate physical contact through that land on which the blood of innocents was spilled.

This image of the Limmari Shrine reproduced on Pietransieri land brings us closer to that tragedy and prompts us to consider that there must be a way to not lose humanity once again.

Production 2021-2022

Pientransieri land use

Previous Editions

Traditional Masonry Graphics

Days of memory

There are many days of remembrance.

Many places where terrible events have occurred at the hands of man can be perceived as “humanity’s lost opportunities.” Memorial days almost always indicate the failure of thought and the impossibility of opposing barbarism. They indicate that people can lose themselves and become ruthless killing machines.

Pietransieri’s Limmari massacre tells the dark side of reason


The Pietransieri massacre was carried out by Nazi occupation forces in Italy on November 21, 1943, in Pietransieri, a hamlet in the municipality of Roccaraso (province of L’Aquila).

German soldiers engaged in the Limmari forest locality, slaughtered 128 unarmed people, including 60 women, 34 children under the age of 10 and many elderly people, without documented motives, but on the mere suspicion that the civilian population supported the partisans.

Today it is good that the responsibility for the massacre should not be ascribed indiscriminately to “all the Germans,” but that the invader’s army should also identify that department or that man who more than any other stained the honor of their nation and demeaned human dignity: it is a distinction that contributes to our hope in mutual understanding, in the peaceful coexistence of peoples, laid to rest the hatreds and vengeances of war.

Es wäre jetzt fair und gut, dass die Verantwortung für dieses Massaker nicht “allen Deutschen” unterschiedslos zugeschrieben wird, sondern dass innerhalb der Invasionsarmee die Abteilung oder sogar der einzelne Mann ermittelt wird, der mehr als alle anderen die Ehre seiner Nation so besudelt und die Menschenwürde erniedrigt hat. Diesen Unterschied hervorzuheben, gibt uns Hoffnung auf ein gegenseitiges Verständnis und ein friedliches Zusammenleben der Völker und hilft uns, den Hass und die Rache aufzugeben, die der Krieg verursacht.

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